Need Help Hooking Up? Try These Apps!

Time is very limited for students these days. When it comes to meeting that someone special, they not only don’t have the time, they also don’t know “how” to do it. (Bars and clubs are NOT the silver lining). We all live in a world of convenience and instant gratification, so it comes as no surprise that we can apply that to our dating scene at the simple touch of a button.

These so-called hook-up apps for your phone should help speed up the process. You can all thank us later.

  1. tinderTinder

It’s a simple concept: pass on the ones you don’t like or hit like on the ones you want to (hook up) with. It takes speed dating to an all new level, because it’s all about looks these days anyway, right?

  1. okcupidOkCupid

OkCupid uses matching algorithms to show you those who live nearby, so you two can meet to study or… do other stuff. It may not be science, but it sure is the next best thing. Yes, big brother is always watching…

  1. GrindrGrindr

Notorious for being purely a hook-up finder, this is an app that makes it all very simple. If you’re the “I need to get to know you a little better before I surrender myself completely to you” type, then chances are this isn’t for you.

  1. Pure

Talk about cutting right to the chase. This app encourages you to waste no time. See someone you like and agree to a “date” within the hour. Now that’s fast!