Guess What?! Spring Break 2015 is Just 6 Months Away!

We thought we’d chime in and remind you all that although school is going to take up much of your time over the next several months, Spring Break 2015 is just a mere six months away!

Even though we have to get through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years before we get to Spring Break, it is worth noting that time does fly by fast!

So, with that being said, you’re free to start thinking about sandy white beaches again, tropical weather, parties, and more parties, because Spring Break never really just goes away. It stays with us long after we’ve left, and invites us to come back before we can post those few final pics on our Facebook and Instagram feeds.

Join our conversation and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and don’t forget to get all your Where to Stay info right here on Spring Break’s number one resource website !