SPRING BREAK FOR CHRISTMAS? YES PLEASE! How to parlay your Christmas wish list and your New Year’s Resolutions into a quality Spring Break trip

The Holidays have arrived. You’re a student. Therefore, the best Christmas gifts are going to be the ones you can parlay into New Year’s resolutions, which can further be parlayed into an awesome Spring Break trip. Not following? Trust us; You’ll understand once you’re done reading.

1. Get Fit

What’s the number one New Year’s resolution, year after year? Hint: It has something to do with losing weight.

We always say we plan on cutting down on the sweets and that we’re never going to binge drink ever again… especially while we’re practically comatose with our New Year’s hangover – which can last up to a week if you’ve partied hard enough. And yet usually by the third week of January, we’ve all given up and waved our white flag in defeat… once again.

This year, how about we all use the excuse to get fit because Spring Break is around the corner? Guys want to be buff. Girls want to look sexy in their beach wear. You all have two months to tone up. Ask for a gym membership and get to the gym and start working out!

2. Earn Good Grades

Good grades = convincing parents that spring break is a great idea!

High on the list of resolutions should be to get serious about the schoolwork and grind it out for the sake of feeling like you’ve earned what will be the best party week of your college life! Perhaps, ask your parents for some money to buy some study notebooks or something…

3. Spend less money

Another resolution we seem to just ignore and forget soon after New Year’s is our promise to spend less money and start putting some of that hard earned cash away.

If you’re planning to head to a spring break destination this coming March, the best way to save is to book now and book directly with your hotel. Most hotels will offer an early bird discount if you book early enough, and by doing so, you’re cutting out the middle man fee you would be paying to a booking agent. Do this and you’ll save money so that you can tuck some away… perhaps for that spring break concert ticket you’re desperate to attend? Hey, what do you know – a Christmas gift for yourself!