Hollywood revisits the Spring Break theme in ‘Dirty Grandpa’

It’s getting close to that time of year when college students look forward to getting away and enjoying some beach and sun for Spring Break. When it comes to movies, Hollywood has done a pretty good job of creating the “ideal” image of Spring Break, but not necessarily an image that should be taken too seriously.

In 2013 Selena Gomez and James Franco starred in dark comedy Spring Breakers about a group of girls on Spring Break in Florida. Their (mis)-adventures take them down a dark path that no student should try and replicate.

In 2010, the comedy horror Piranha 3D portrayed Spring Break’s beach party excess at great lengths, complete with big stages, loud music and yes, plenty of girls in bikinis. Minus the killer piranhas, this movie might be considered pretty accurate.

The newest film in the Spring Break genre to be released on January 22, 2016 is Dirty Grandpa, and it features an all-star cast led by none other than Robert DeNiro and Zack Efron. This crazy R-rated comedy is about Jason (Efron), an uptight lawyer who is one week away from marrying his boss’s controlling daughter. Tricked by his grandfather Dick (De Niro), Jason finds himself driving the foulmouthed old man to Daytona Beach, FL., for a wild Spring Break that includes frat parties, bar fights and an epic night of karaoke. While Jason worries about the upcoming wedding, Dick tries to show his grandson how to live life to the fullest.

The film looks hilarious, and should be box office winner, proving that Hollywood still can’t seem to get enough of Spring Break and its raucous behaviour.

With college Spring Break starting less than a month after the release of this movie, it’s sure to spark interest in the top Spring Break destinations, including Daytona Beach, Panama City Beach, South Padre Island and Lake Havasu.