Five Back to School Items You Still Don’t Have

If you’re a student, you’ve probably been shopping online and in stores for weeks now, perhaps still trying to figure out what exactly it is you need for school this year. You may think you have everything, but the truth is, there’s so much to get (and so little time) that you may need a little help.

College and University freshmen have the most difficulty in knowing exactly what they need. They haven’t been there before, so the little things can sometimes be forgotten. We understand. That’s why is here to help!

We’ve compiled a list of five items we believe every college-bound student should have aside from the typical laptop computer, pens, backpacks etc. And please let us know if we’ve missed something that should most definitely be on this list:

  • New Shoes – You’re walking around with your beat up shoes still because you thought you didn’t need new ones yet. Wrong. School is about fashion and style (aside from learning stuff). Walking around with the latest and trendiest kicks is going to impress and that alone will get you off to a good start with your fellow mates.
  • Bluetooth Speaker – Stop being cheap. This has become an important staple in college dorm living. Nowadays, instead of lugging the huge speaker system, students are saving space and simply getting a bluetooth speaker. The sound is quite impressive and we know it’s going to help for those long study nights.
  • Bathroom & Laundry Supplies – Go to Costco and stock up on the stuff. You’re going to use it and if you don’t get enough of it, you’re likely going to regret it at the most inconvenient of times. Think about it.
  • Quarters – Lots and lots of quarters. If you plan on doing laundry at all, then you’re going to need change for the machines. Did you know that of all the things students tend to forget in their back-to-school planning, quarters tend to rank as one of those “darnit” moments? It’s true. So save your change or head out to the bank and exchange for several rolls.
  • Trendy Winter Jacket – Winter is coming. Need we say more? Your old coat you wore last year would rather disintegrate than try to withstand another cold winter. Get a new one and impress with a trendy coat that will keep you warm and turn some heads too!