7 Reasons Why You Need to Join Us During Spring Break 2013

Spring Break is attended by almost two million students each year, making it the largest student event of the year. Therefore, we shouldn’t really have to convince you that attending the biggest party of the year is probably a good idea. Nevertheless, we’ve compiled a fun list of reasons why your Spring Break 2013 trip should be to any of our highlighted destinations.

  • Cool Giveaways – If you’re into free swag (and who isn’t!), then Spring Break is the trip for you! One can’t walk more than 30 feet on the beach without hitting some kind of beach promotion zone. Lined with a wide range of free giveaway booths, game and activity lounges, fun and creative contests, and so much more, you’ll need to bring an extra suitcase just for your free stuff!
  • Sun Sets – One thing is for certain, you won’t leave Spring Break without at least taking 10 pictures of the sun setting over the water. Whether you want to admit it or not, you know it’s a pretty spectacular sight, and sharing those perfect golden images on our Facebook and Twitter profiles are the very things that make our friends and family back home envious of us.
  • Free Concerts – Each year, the free concerts are a huge talking point during Spring Break. One of the best guarded secrets each year is simply who will be next?
  • The Clubs & The Parties – When people travel on Spring Break, they go to party. Some of the very best and most talked about beach clubs in the USA are at our favorite destinations! Best of all, there’s a different place to be at every night of the week! They say “there’s no party like a Spring Break party!” to which we can honestly admit that words have never been more truly spoken.
  • The Beach – Let’s face it, without the beach there would be no Spring Break, and our destinations have plenty of it. Whether it’s South Padre Island, Myrtle Beach, Daytona Beach, or the ‘world’s most beautiful beaches’ of Panama City Beach, you won’t be unhappy. Trust us.
  • Beach Activities – Swimming and tanning not withstanding, there are a variety of activities one can choose from to make each and every beach day a fun one. Whether it’s Parasailing over the gulf, swimming with the dolphins, zip-lining along the beach, or entering one of the many daily free volleyball tournaments, you’re completely covered!

  • Affordable Hotel RatesIt’s probably the real reason why students keep making Spring Break so popular year after year. Whether you’re booking a gulf front condo, a resort hotel, or a motel on the strip, you can be rest-assured that you’ll be paying some of the lowest rates at our sponsored destinations.